Training and Consultancy - Alitco Expertise

Training and Consulting Services

Alitco Solutions demonstrates its superior expertise in every facet of our business, including Industry Solutions, Service Line and Regional Services.

We offer optimal and high-quality solutions to all our clients.

Alitco Solutions Industry Solution

Our solutions are supported by our deep insight into various industries and our diversified yet extensive experience acquired over the years from supporting our clients as partners in their business transformation.

Alitco Solutions Service Line

Our service line has a lineup of experienced specialist and provides unique and practical comprehensive services in each area, including corporate strategy: business restructuring; and implementing, operating and maintaining IT systems etc .

Alitco Solutions Global and Regional services

We have a network with truly respectful of the intrinsic values and business practices of the respective localities.

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Alitco Consultancy Solutions - Who are we?

Over the past five years since the establishment of Alitco Solutions, we have continued to expand our network while providing high-valued consulting services that assist our clients in expanding their business operations on a global basis.

Alitco Consultancy Solutions helps organisations define, develop and implement new ways of working that lead to measurable outcomes.

Our methodology is designed to engage stakeholders across the organisation so that they take ownership and the outcomes realised are sustainable.

Since the founding of the firm every consultant at Alitco Solutions has been striving to provide consulting services that make us ‘Real Partners’ for our clients.

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How We Can Help

We have accumulated the best practices for the respective industries.

Our consultants are knowledgeable of the markets and environment in the respective industries and provide the optimum services through their extensive experience.

Here’s how we can help.

Business Process Reengineering

The journey towards operational excellence must begin with a deep understanding of an organisation’s key
processes. To redesign processes to deliver better outcomes and efficiency, we engage key process owners and
users to understand existing challenges and co-develop practical and innovative solutions.

Operating Model and Organisation Redesign

Our service line has a lineup of experienced specialist and provides unique and practical comprehensive
services in each area, including corporate strategy: business restructuring; and implementing, operating and
maintaining IT systems etc . We solve the challenges faced by our clients with seamless and end to end services
and vigorously endorse business transformation.

Performance Management

Implement the right performance management systems to ensure the success of any business process. Address
variance in outcomes to continuously optimise performance.

Implementation and Change Management

Successful implementation requires the adoption of a systematic and proven approach. The approach must
ensure the changes required can be adopted with minimal disruption. This requires testing that the solutions can
work effectively, training the users expected to deliver the changes and finally putting in place a methodology
to reinforce adoption of the new ways of working.

Benefit Measurement and Realisation

Optimise key aspects of operations to deliver better outcomes. We work with organisations to build the
measurement mechanisms that can effectively evaluate success.

Our Partners

We’ve teamed up with some amazing partners and, together, we strive to offer top notch SEO services!